For two years now we’ve been living in a multi generational, multi unit, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours situation with my parents. We talked about it and planned it for several years before that.
And this morning’s 3:30am run to the airport is exactly what we had envisioned during all the planning and moving and settling in.
Okay, so maybe driving at 3:30 am isn’t my dream situation but living together and sharing skills and expertise and resources definitely is. We spend more time together, share meals together, work on each other’s cars and computers, share tools and equipment and, on occasion, make inconveniently timed trips to the airport.
Many people have asked me about our experience with living communally- how it’s going, how it works, what love/don’t love about it. For us, at this point in all of our lives, it is just the right thing for us. I’m always happy to talk about it to anyone who is interested. It might not be for everyone, but is definitely an option worth exploring for many.