Monthly Archives: December 2003

‘Tis The Season

This week at ***work|*** is considered “peak” week. Generally speaking, the months of November and December are “peak” months, since everyone is gearing up to do their Christmas shopping. But this week, we get the largest spike in sales.

This period of time is affectionately known as “The Season” around here, and lots of seasonal changes take place. We hire lots of extra help for the warehouse and for the customer service call center. Also, employees from other parts of the company are drafted to help out in the warehouse and call center. That includes me and my fellow developers. This season, I am spending about 8 of my 40 hours per week in a “picking” zone. The boxes for customer orders are routed around our warehouse automatically on conveyor belts, and they make stops in “zones” where they are filled with the appropriate products. I’m in what’s called a “fast pick” zone, which contains some of CBD’s most popular items in easy-to-reach shelves. I take the printed invoice out of a box as it rolls off the conveyor belt, look for the items that are in my zone, fetch them, and put them in the box. Repeat as needed. As the name implies, “fast pick” zones are fast-paced – I am constantly moving to grab boxes, products, etc. Here are some of the more popular products located in my zone:

***Veggie Tales Ultimate Silly Song Sing-Along|***
***2004 Wall Calendar, Painter of Light|***
***The Littlest Angel, Video|***
***God’s Promises For Women|***
***The Prayer of Jabez For Teens|***

To get an inside peek at how our warehouse works, check out our ***tour of how an order gets processed|***. Some of the photos and screenshots are slightly out of date, but overall it will give you a pretty good idea of how things work!

What once was lost has now been found!

It only took me two and a half hours and the minimal help of a bobcat to shovel our two cars out this afternoon. I’d say that isn’t too bad.

I have come to believe that shoveling snow (done correctly with your legs, not your back) is the ultimate and perfect form of exercise. It is aerobic, forcing your heart rate up. It is muscle conditioning, arms, legs and back, and best of all you gain a sense of purpose and a feeling of accomplishment as you start to see your car and the pavement again. I think that that is tons better than going to the gym and running for 30 minutes and getting nowhere 🙂

Speaking of shoveling… For all of you who have heard the saga of the shovel that walked away from outside our apartment door and thought never to been seen again… THE SHOVEL HAS BEEN FOUND!!! It had been seceretly locked away in the closet with the water heaters and the cable hook ups. I was able to sucker the keys away from Landlord Jr. while he was playing with the bobcat and there it was, all red and lonely. We are glad to have you home again, shovel!

Nor’easter by the numbers ran a great little article today called ***A northeaster by the numbers|***.

Our parking lot still wasn’t plowed out this morning, so I walked to the train station, took the train in one stop to Salem, and caught a ride in to work from there with my colleagues Win and Simon. I ended up getting in to work just 30 minutes late.

Nor’easter Gallery

Just a little note: I’ve reorganized the Nor’easter gallery into sub-albums, broken down by day and time, so that you can see how the snow progressed!

***Nor’easter Gallery|***

As of 8 p.m., the snow has stopped. Beverly and several other North Shore communities have declared states of emergency, and everyone’s trying to dig out to get ready for a regular work day tomorrow. The street leading to our apartment building seems to have been plowed, but as yet nobody has plowed out our parking lot, so we can’t get our cars out. Hopefully they’ll be able to plow it some time tonight or early tomorrow morning, so that folks can get where they need to go… but if not, I guess it could be a late morning at work!

Another Venture

Becky and I ventured forth yet again this afternoon to see the impact this Nor’easter has had on the city of Beverly. Photos of today’s adventure start about halfway down the ***fourth page of the Nor’easter gallery|***.

As far as we could see, the following businesses were open today:

Dunkin Donuts
Bell’s Market
Borah’s Market
Family Dollar

I’m sure a few more were open, but we didn’t get that far down Cabot Street.

The plan for the rest of the day is to hole up in the apartment! Supposedly things will be tapering off this evening, and everyone will be getting back to work on Monday…

Even More!

The snow continues! We must have had just under two feet here in Beverly. Haven’t heard any exact, updated readings yet, but there is a lot of it out there. I took a few more photos out of the doors and windows today, and added them to the ***Nor’easter|*** gallery.

There’s supposed to be several more inches falling today… bring it on!


So not only was it a Nor’easter today, but we also had a blackout, from around 8:30 to 10:30 p.m.! Becky and I ventured out into the darkened city of Beverly to have a look-see, and if you jump to ***page two of our Nor’easter gallery|***, you can see what there was to see! It was way cool walking around outside… it was so windy and stormy. Cabot Street was fairly dead, but there were a lot of people in cars trying to make their way down Rantoul Street… and having a fairly difficult time of it. The news tonight said that 13,000 North Shore Mass Electric subscribers were without power, and I know that Beverly has over 30,000 residents, so I’m guessing it was mostly us, and probably a few other communities too. It was fun for us while it lasted, but I hope nobody had any serious problems. At least the outages and the snowstorm are happening on the weekend…. the impact isn’t as much as it would be on a weekday.

In weather news, the snow still continues… our pastor called on the phone and let us know that church is cancelled for tomorrow. We also have a party we were scheduled to attend in the afternoon, but we will need to see what the driving is like tomorrow before we make that venture.

That’s all for now… more later from the Nor’east. 🙂


Today was the much-anticipated first big snowstorm of the season, a proper Nor’easter. Becky and I took a walk down to the ocean today, and I ***took some photos|***.

I also shot a ***short video|*** at the beach – it’s 11.7 megs and in AVI format, so I’d only try watching it if you’re on a fairly quick connection. The waves and the sound of the surf are awesome during a storm like this!

what’cha think?

I found this quiz on ***michelle’s site|***. Those of you who know me… do you think it is accurate?

you are paleturquoise

Your dominant hues are green and blue. You’re smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people’s conflicts well.

Your saturation level is low – You stay out of stressful situations and advise others to do the same. You may not be the go-to person when something really needs done, but you know never to blow things out of proportion.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.

the html color quiz