Etcetera Whatever

Becky made tater tot casserole for dinner again, tonight… yum. See the goodness for yourself:

Tater Tot Casserole|ppp

Also, I just realized that there are a couple of gadgety things I’ve received this year which somehow never made it on to my blog. One of them is a Gameboy Advance SP:

Gameboy Advance SP|ppp

Jeremy got it as a gift for all of the groomsmen at ***his and Angela’s wedding|*** back in March… but for some reason I just never got around to mentioning it on here! Oops! Anyway, I have three games for it – Super Mario Advance 4 (which is Super Mario Bros. 3), Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (which is a Role-Playing Game featuring the mario Bros.), and Snood, the addictive computer game. They are all a lot of fun to play, especially Superstar Saga. However, I got so far in the game and then got stuck at a point where I made a mistake which can’t be fixed. So even with the complete walkthrough instructions, I have no choice but to go back to the beginning of the level and do it over. Snood was a $7 bargain game that I got used at EB. Not too complicated, just fun. And Super Mario 3 is one of my all-time favorite games.

The other gadget that I recently received was a Palm V. I got it from Matt, who you may have read about on ***Jenn’s blog|***. When we were ***visiting Jenn|*** in June, I was discussing with Matt how I had ***lost my previous PDA and camera|***. He said that he had a Palm V that he was no longer using, and that he would give it to me if I wanted it. Well, I said that it was awfully nice of him, but shouldn’t he try to sell it on eBay or something? He said he was not up to doing the eBay thing anymore, after being burned in the past as a seller. So we left it at that. What to my surprise arrived in the mail a few days after I got home, but a package containing not only the Palm V but also a Palm folding keyboard! Wow! Anyway, I am now happily using the Palm as my PDA. The thing I missed most about a PDA was the ability to electronically balance our checkbook. I am slowly getting reacclimated to using the other PDA functionality after going with a paper planner for a while…

Of course, it’s still not as cool as Jeremy’s iPaq, which has built-in bluetooth and wifi, and can play back the entire Princess Bride from a memory card!

Jeremy and Bob with Jeremy’s iPaq|ppp

Ok, that’s all I wanted to ramble about for now… now I need to go and catch ***The Assistant|***. 🙂

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