Gracias, Thanks, Merci Beaucoup!

To Dad: Thank you for knowing so much about cars and for trying to teach me how they work. Yesterday there was a scary blinking light on my dashboard. Yikes! Because I was on my way past the mall, I turned into AutoZone and pulled out my car manual. Lo and behold the solution to my problem was right there! I popped the hood, checked the coolant level, and went inside to buy some more. After double checking with the friendly desk help I refilled my coolant tank up to the optimal level. Good bye blinking light! My auto problem skills are getting better!

To Auntie Susie: Thanks for recommending, ***Lucia, Lucia|*** by Adriana Trigiani. This story of family, life, love and risks was very heartwarming. I couldn’t put it down…and occasionally I think of Lucia’s life story and it feels like I heard it from a real person. Trigiani’s descriptions of Greenwich Villiage in the 50’s and her details into the fashions of the time challenged my imagination. All in all it was a great summer read, not too intellectually straining, but not complete fluff either. It was lovely.

To Mom: Thanks for passing Lucia, Lucia on to me when you were finished!

3 thoughts on “Gracias, Thanks, Merci Beaucoup!

  1. Peter

    To My Becky:

    Thank you for being the most wonderful wife in the world and for loving me every day! I’m proud of your auto-fixing skills and of everything else you do for us.


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