Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Quarters

Welcome one and all to our new Website! We were feeling a need for something new. That something turned out to be simple, crisp, and uncluttered look.

You’ll notice that we have lost the ads, the large link buttons, extra boxes and colors. By doing away with those extras we’ve really cleaned up the format. All your favorite links are still here, though. We’ve gone with the uber popular “alphabetical links” style for all our friends and then kinda grouped everything else by topic. Enjoy getting used to the location of your most used links.

The Gallery link is still here. Just click on the little rectangular picture!

I hope that you like the change. We always enjoy feedback so lay it on us!

**Special note to those who are reading via RSS** Make sure you stop by and check out the new look. Your RSS feed won’t reflect the great new changes!

6 thoughts on “Pennies, Nickels, Dimes and Quarters

  1. Peter

    I’m glad you all like the new look! It really didn’t take us terribly long to finish it… maybe a total of five hours between the two of us. Most of the time was spent in discussion of how to lay things out, what colors to use, what elements were essential, what elements we could lose. Coding the changes was actually the easiest part.

    I also hope you have all discovered the variety of “banners” we have at the top of the page. There are currently 17 different images, and one is selected at random each time you access a page on our site. Adding a new banner is as easy as uploading a file to our server – it gets put into the banner pool automatically! So check back every so often to see if we’ve added anything new… collect them all! 🙂

  2. Pingback: World Wide Wood

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