
Sometimes when a movie, book, band or clothing store is very popular I have a hard time liking it. I hate the feeling that I might be liking something just because it is popular.

Reading aaa|Anna Karinena|067978330X|aaa brought up some of those feelings for me. Was I reading it because “anyone who considers themselves an avid reader should read it?” Was I enjoying it because other people I know have liked it? Was I reading it so that I could show off on the train…”can’t you see the book I’m holding? It’s Anna Karenina for goodness sake! aren’t you impressed?”

I hope not.

Regardless of the reason (mainly that I’ve just always wanted to read it!) I have finally finished this 800 page Russian masterpiece. Suffice it to say that it was right up my alley. I have a soft spot for long, multiple plotted, history infused novels. This was the kind of book that I was very sorry to see end. It was like I was transported to nineteenth century Russia every day during my train commute.

There is so much to the story itself that it would be impossible for me to even summerize here. The characters are vulnerable and determined and stoic and sensitive. They wrestle with the huge issues of love and religion and politics. They wrestle with how to deal with the events of marriage, birth and death. They wrestle with who they are, who they will be and how they fit into their society.

So, not to different from how we live our lives today. Have you read it? Let me know what you thought? Want to read it? Please do, and we can talk about it!

One thought on “Anna

  1. Amy

    Best book of all time. I flew through it. I wish I could say the same for War & Peace. I think I’ve been “reading” it for almost a year now. Good, but not AS good.


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