Rite of Manhood

There comes a point in every man’s life when he must go out and ***join the other men|http://gallery.prwdot.org/labor_day_03/DSCN3337*** in their persuit of the perfectly grilled burger. For Peter that day was today.

My Uncle Rich and Auntie Julie gave us a baby Weber charcoal grill when we got engaged… and we had yet to use it! Peter got the ball rolling this afternoon as he rescued it from the attic and set about ***assembling|http://gallery.prwdot.org/grilling_take_one/P1020320*** it.

He then made up the ***hamburgers|http://gallery.prwdot.org/grilling_take_one/P1020321*** and my contribution was a ***pair of ears of corn|http://gallery.prwdot.org/grilling_take_one/P1020322***. The grill was moved outside and loaded up with coal. After a few false ***starts|http://gallery.prwdot.org/grilling_take_one/P1020326*** the charcoal started to burn.

Onto the grill went the burgers and corn. Peter ***checked|http://gallery.prwdot.org/grilling_take_one/P1020334*** in a couple of times to see if it was actually cooking. Unfortunately, due to conditions beyond his control, (it was too cold and windy) the grill just wasn’t doing its job.

So, pride in hand, Peter ***finished the job|http://gallery.prwdot.org/grilling_take_one/P1020338*** inside. The dinner turned out delicious!

2 thoughts on “Rite of Manhood

  1. Beth

    When I lived with Becky in that apartment I used to use an old charcoal grill that was kicking around in the backyard. But your baby grill is much cuter! Nothing hits the spot like a good hamburger =)


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