
fff|ppp|little g

little g


Way back before Catherine was born I mentioned that we were considering using gDiapers. They were still pretty new and we didn’t know anyone who had used them so we didn’t have much advice to go by, other than the company’s own reviewers.

We decided to order a starter kit and one package of refill liners. Besides the environmentally friendly design, I admit I was drawn to the super cute ‘little g’ diaper covers! The diapers are a bit more expensive than disposables are, but the cost was still somewhat reasonable.

We have not been using gDiapers exclusively. I have found that while at home it is not such a big deal to change the gDiaper, take out and flush the liner, and set up another diaper for next time. Changing diapers at home is predictable in that I can repeat the process the exact same way each time AND I know that our toilet/septic system can handle the flushable material (frankly, it breaks up very easily and flushes away just like TP).

Going out of the house throws a ton of variables into the mix. Will there be a bathroom handy? Can I trust the septic system? Is there a safe place to set the baby while I flush the liner? I know that I could put a little more effort into my planning and make the system work. Most of the time, however, it is just so much easier to toss disposables into the bag and be done with it. There’s almost always a trash can around!

Over all, I really like the gDiaper concept. I feel much better flushing away the liner than knowing that I’m filling landfills with tons of plastic. They also provide Catherine’s little bum a break from the sticky plastic diapers. She’s almost grown out of the smalls and we’ll probably pony up for the next bigger size.

Have any of our readers used gDipers? Even heard of them? I’d love to hear what you think of them!

4 thoughts on “gDiapers

  1. Jason

    Hi Rebecca

    Jason here at gDiapers. Thanks so much for giving g a try. If you go to there are testimonials you can take a peek at. One of our customers has started a user group at:

    There are about 100 Mums on the site who live and breath it!

    If you have any questions, please give me a call. My wife and I were just parents that found this product in Australia where it has been selling since 1991.

    When you are out and about you can toss the flushable in the trash. As there is no plastic in the flushable it biodegrades faster than a disposable. Some of our customers have susepct plumbing so do this instead of flushing 24/7.

    The true benefit of the product is that there is no plastic which significantly reduces diaper rash. As my wife says – just try spending a day in a pair of Depends…(She had to after our first son was born!)


    dad/ CEO

  2. Suzi (Hamberg) Wanga

    Hi there,
    I don’t know how I found your blog, but I think I stumbled on it somehow through other Gordon blogs… I graduated in 2000 from Gordon. I knew of you by name, but not personally. Anyway, I’m writing to say that’s so cool that you use g diapers!!! I was excited to see someone NOT using disposable diapers. 🙂 My husband Ian and I use cloth diapers exclusively for our 2 children, Micah & Lenorah. I researched g diapers when they came out, but at that point I already had a well established cloth diaper stash. (If you ever want to know ANYTHING about cloth diapers, let me know!!!) 🙂 I also love babywearing & co-sleeping with our babies. I noticed in some of your baby pics that you guys are wearing your baby in a sling and sleeping with baby. BRAVO!!! It’s refreshing to see that. By the way, have you heard of Attachment Parenting International? It seems like you guys might be interested in it. There may be a local Attachment Parenting group in your area. It’s very much geared toward natural, instinctual parenting, as opposed to the very detached parenting that our society promotes. Anyway, off my soapbox. Also, I saw a post with your $75,000 hospital bill and a picture from the NICU… I assume your daughter was born premature because those dollar amounts are all too familiar. Our daughter Lenorah was born May 22, almost 8 weeks early, as a result of a car accident. She was in the NICU for a month and the hospital bill alone (not counting all the pathology labs, outside medical companies, and home monitoring equipment) was $67,000… yikes. I feel your pain. How long was your daughter in the NICU? It is such an exhausting experience. I hope she is ok now. Anyway, enjoy getting to know your baby girl… God bless you guys! I miss Boston… 🙁 I am in Chicago…

  3. BethanyJoy Lange

    I’ve ordered my starter pack, been using gdiapers for a few days, and I’m planning to order a few more covers. I LOVE them. Thanks for alerting me to an alternative to disposables. Cloth wasn’t working for us for a variety of reasons, but we LOVE the little g’s!

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