Peek Week

Peek week is intended for parents to come in and observe dance classes to see what their kids have been up to all fall. I loved watching the girls dance, but was happily surprised to see how excited they were to sneak into the other classes to watch. They are so supportive of the other girls and were thrilled to watch them dance!


I mentioned to Esme that I have always loved the dress she was wearing. She gave me a quizzical look and so I brought out our collection of Christmas photos. We found three pics of the girls in the same dress. It is a green and black plaid dress with a black velvet sash from the Children’s Place.

(l) 2008- Catherine at 2.5– I can’t remember where we got this little dress. It was either a hand-me-down or one I found second hand somewhere.

(m) 2011- Catherine at 5.5, Esme at 2.5– Here Esme is wearing the small dress and Catherine has on an identical, but bigger dress that I found that year at Savers.

(r) 2017-Catherine at 11.5, Esme at 8.5– Esme has finally grown in to the larger dress, the smaller one having been passed along to a friend a number of years ago.

I’ll be sad to see the end of these lovely dresses, but I’m glad to have gotten so much use out of them!