Basketball Knitting

Tonight a dad sitting on the bleachers near me turned around, took a glance and said, “working on the new team uniforms?” Ha! I quipped back something about how the pinnies were looking a bit worn. Nothing like some good knitting humor!

Light and Hope

The girls participated in lighting the first advent candle with us this morning at church. They read beautifully and the verse is always a comfort to me, both in the dark days of winter and in the dark days of life.

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness–on them light has shined.


This photo was taken accidentally as one of the girls handed back my phone. I almost deleted it, but I like the way it caught a little glimpse of the day’s project, along with my snack and tv-show (Christmas Cards, Market Basket Black Cherry Greek Yogurt and “Decline and Fall” on Acorn, respectively, in case you were curious.)