Category Archives: Randomness

Spring forward? Oops.

For the first time ever in my memory, I forgot to set the clocks forward an hour for Daylight Savings Time before we went to bed last night.

I woke up early, before the alarm this morning. I went into the computer room, and in the course of my morning blog-readings, I read ***Mike’s blog entry about DST|***. Yikes! I hadn’t even noticed that the clock on my computer was an hour ahead of the alarm clock in our bedroom, since I was still in a foggy sleepy state. Well, I immediately went to wake up Becky so that she could get to work on time, and I went to change all of our clocks around. Thankfully, I woke up early enough so that we won’t miss anything.


I Heart Bloglines

My “I Heart Bloglines” t-shirt arrived in the mail yesterday, and I proudly wore it to work today. I didn’t get a single comment on it, though. Either everyone already knows about ***Bloglines|***, or they don’t care, or they’re too afraid to ask. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I sit facing a computer screen for 90% of the work day, so nobody can see the front of the shirt. Well, here it is:

ggg|grab_bag/P1000608|I Heart Bloglines|ggg

These t-shirts were part of a ***promotion|*** run by ***Ask Jeeves|***, shortly after they acquired Bloglines. Here’s to free stuff!


***Michelle|*** is currently doing an installation of her extremely cool Random Interview Project, and Becky and I are two of her latest interviewees. You can read her interview questions and our responses at the following links:


Michelle picks random questions for each interview, so you get to find out some interesting stuff about us that you might not have otherwise discovered. Enjoy!

Contrary to popular belief…

I have not died! It’s hard to believe, I know, considering my complete lack of posting.

I would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU! to everyone who sent well wishes while I was sick. I am feeling much better now thanks to a week of bedrest, a couple gallons of orange juice, and the love and support of my wonderful husband and all my friends and family!

Life has been busy since my reentry into the outside world. The kind of busy that keeps life moving along, but isn’t terribly notworthy or super interesting. I’ll be sure to fill you in when something exciting comes along!

How old?

Thanks to ***Steve Garfield|***, I’ve found ***the age project|***. It’s sort of like ***Hot or Not|***, only a bit less trashy. Basically the website shows you photos of random people and asks you to guess their age. Then, it shows you their actual age and the average age that people guessed for them. You can upload your own photo and see what age other people guess that you are. I gave it a try… so far five people have guessed my age, and the average guess is 30 years old. Not too far off.

Yahoo! Ice Cream!

Today is the 10th Birthday of ***Yahoo!|***. To celebrate, they have teamed up with ***Baskin Robbins|*** to give out a ***free scoop of ice cream to every registered Yahoo! user|*** (today only). Becky and I went to get ours at the local “Trombo” ( ***Dunkin Donuts|***, ***Togo’s|***, ***Baskin Robbins|*** ).

We printed out the coupons…

ggg|grab_bag/IMG_0165|Our coupons|ggg

Headed to the Trombo on Elliot Street in Beverly…

ggg|grab_bag/IMG_0169|The Trombo|ggg

And got our free ice cream!

ggg|grab_bag/IMG_0168|Free ice cream!|ggg

Becky had plain old strawberry, and I had frou-frou chocolate eclair… mine wasn’t quite as good as it looked, but still very tasty. And free! Thanks, Yahoo!

Census, part 1

Tubes of chapstick residing at the Wood household as of 2/22/05.

In the ‘key box’ by the door (1) 7UP flavored tube, (1) Cherry 7UP flavored tube.
In the drawer under the microwave (1) unopened Softlips in cool cherry flavor
On my bedside table (1) Marshmello flavored tube
In the bathroom drawer (1) Unopened “classic” Chapstick, (1) unopened “Merlot” colored, shimmery Burt’s Bees tube.
In my desk drawer (1) Medicated Chapstick
In Peter’s desk drawer (1) Vaseline brand Lip Therepy, (2) unopened Chapstick with Lip Moisturizer
In a purse I hardly use (1) Softlips cool cherry flavored tube.
In the bag I carry to work (1) Chapstick with Lip Moisturizer.

total: 12


***Art|*** just got back from a ***trip to Peru|***. He brought the folks at work some nifty little boxes. They are carved from some sort of nut. Here’s mine:

ggg|grab_bag/IMG_0151|Box Closed|ggg

ggg|grab_bag/IMG_0152|Box Open|ggg

Flippin’ Sweet Pics

Tonight Becky and I hosted a small but fun Napoleon Dynamite viewing party at our apartment. One of the highlights was the taking of Glamour Shot photos. All of the photos from tonight, including the Glamour Shots, can be found ***here|***.

The Hosts|ppp

Note: If you had your photo taken at the party, and would like a full-resolution copy of your photo, just let me know. I can email it to you or make other arrangements for you to pick it up.

I captionated the photos in the gallery… enjoy!

Site Redesigns

***Will|*** has just redesigned his site. He’s also done a lot of work to categorize his entries, and has moved his links list to a separate page.

***Corey|*** has also recently redesigned his site. Look at that photo. You so bad, Corey!